Jorge Ramirez

Top 50 leaders shaping the gig economy
Jorge Ramirez
Founder & CEO

Liberr App is a digital platform connecting users with various services, prioritizing data safety and community building

The Origin Story

Liberr App was founded by CEO Jorge Ramirez. Jorge moved to Panama in 2011 to manage a series of large projects that required thousands of workers. He was manually hiring for various positions in mining, industrial, and construction roles. After going through the paces of developing pools of reliable talent, backfilling no-shows, and handling all of the administrative effort that goes along with this, Jorge thought that technology could solve many of the time-consuming aspects of hiring at scale. 

Liberr was born to solve a personal pain that many managers in Jorge’s position experienced. In addition to supporting managers, Liberr is focused on supporting workers' freedom and flexibility. The company name, a derivative of libertad, reflects Liberr’s attention to providing workers with the support they need to be successful on the job. 

After launching in 2019 Liberr now supports 20,000 workers in Panama and 3,000 workers in Colombia employers on their platform. 

What’s Unique about Liberr

Liberr is focused on Latin America, with a presence in Panama and expanding to Colombia and Mexico, the company has established itself as one of the few companies harnessing the power of on-demand technology to solve gaps in the staffing space in the region. 

With this focus, Liberr has arranged cooperation between government entities and private businesses to solve hiring gaps in specific regions. These partnerships have allowed Liberr to be the connection to the workforce to accelerate and manage staffing large projects in mining, construction, and heavy industry sectors. 

This unique approach is an example of why Liberr has been recognized as one of the leaders in the space.

The Solution

Liberr was designed to give workers freedom and choice to offer their services. 

For workers

One app that covers all tasks related to finding short-term assignments and projects.

For employers

A single platform to assist with identifying and matching workers with available vacancies

Liberr's Vision for Transforming Staffing

"How do I reach people who want to work? How can we implement AI to accelerate and improve?"

Jorge is always asking the big questions. By constantly probing and remaining curious, Liberr’s leadership continues to build its technology platform to support as many workers as possible.  In the regions where Liberr is active, many workers experience poverty. The ability of eager workers to find opportunities is a matter of critical importance. So Jorge sees the Liberr platform as potentially life-changing for those who previously did not have access to information about available work in their region.

Creating tools to provide more reach for business users and workers is the next challenge for Liberr. Process improvement and the use of AI will come together to guide Liberr as they continue on the path of leadership and growth within the staffing industry. With Jorge leading the vision we look forward to an even brighter future at Liberr.

More about Liberr


Conectamos Personas independientes On-Demand Cuando y Donde los necesiten (Futuro del Trabajo)

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